Moving toward a hybrid work environment

Remote work is a model that is increasingly common thanks to having the necessary tools and connections to carry it out efficiently. The pandemic accelerated this process, where teleworking became a necessity overnight, causing many companies to be forced to use a hybrid work model. The great advantages of this work environment, where some workers […]
SCRUM methodology: what it is and how to implement it

Agile development is a philosophy that more and more companies use, as it allows them to be faster, more efficient, and more productive, reducing their costs and offering better products and services to their customers. Large companies have embraced this type of agile methodology for a long time, obtaining great results. Within these methodologies, SCRUM […]
How to create an Outlook signing template and distribute it

At today’s article, we’ll see how we can create a basic Outlook signature template that we’ll use to distribute among users. So, each user can modify the base template with their personal data, and we will obtain a general homogeneity in the signatures of Microsoft Outlook in our organization, same logo, same size, same type […]
Let’s celebrate National Mentoring Month!

January is National Mentoring Month in the U.S.A. Let’s celebrate Kibernum IT Academy and how it helps our clients bring their companies to the next level KIBERNUM Digital IT Academy closed 2022 with more than 8,000 certified students. This area added more than 18,000 hours of training last year, exceeding by more than 11,000 hours the record of the previous year and with more […]