USA Kibernum

Cybersecurity has become one of the most important issues for companies given the enormous dependence on their computer systems.

Suffering a cyberattack today, not only compromises the information handled by the business, but can interrupt business activity for a long time.

The most common types of computer attacks today focus on companies such as ransomware or denial of service. Implementing the appropriate security measures and policies is essential to avoid them or minimize their impact on the business.

Today we will talk about the most common cyberattacks suffered by companies today, and what must be done to prevent them.


Ransomware is one of the most serious types of cyberattacks that a company and organization can suffer today. It consists of infecting a system with malware that encrypts the files preventing their access, so the company cannot consult their information or access their programs.

This type of attack is known as “hijacking“, since cybercriminals ask in exchange for the key to release the files, a payment in cryptocurrencies. Recovering from these types of attacks is a complex and costly process that can take weeks, so many companies choose to give in to blackmail to minimize losses.


Phishing or identity theft consists of tricking a user into providing their access credentials to online platforms, such as banks, job portals, access to social networks.  Normally, email or SMS messages are used making the user believe that they come from companies or official entities, offering an exact visual appearance. Users enter their credentials from the links in these emails thinking that they do it safely, sending them to a third party.

Within phishing, there are different types of attack such as spear phishing that seek to attack a company or entity, vishing where the fraudulent message is done by voice or whaling, when the target of phishing  is a person with great responsibility (such as a director or manager, for example).


This type of social engineering malware also seeks to obtain access credentials, using physical devices that have previously been infected with malware for users to use.

An example of this bait is to leave an infected disk or pendrive in a certain place for the user to find. When you use it on your device, it becomes infected with malware that will steal your login details.

Denial of Service

The denial of service or DDoS attack consists of saturating a server with a huge number of access requests, with the aim of collapsing it and making it stop working or do so abnormally.

For the use of this type of attacks, cybercriminals usually use zombie computers, that is, computers that have infected other users without them being aware, and from which they carry out a massive attack on a company’s server.

SQL Injection

A computer attack with SQL injection consists of introducing malicious code into a website in order to access its database. The cybercriminal manages with this type of attack to control the database of the web, accessing all its information (being able to modify it, delete it, copy it, or even block its access).

How to protect yourself and prevent the most common cyberattacks?

The cybersecurity of a company has become a matter of top priority for the business. To have good protection against common cyberattacks, managing to avoid them, or at least minimize their consequences, a series of basic criteria must be taken into account:

1. User training

The vast majority of current cyberattacks focus on users who serve as perfect victims to access companies’ servers and platforms. Investing in cybersecurity training is key to avoiding human errors that are made and that expose a team or network.

2. Software Updates

The software that the company manages must always be updated to its latest version, including the operating systems they use. Software developers implement security enhancements and eliminate vulnerabilities in their patches and updates, preventing cybercriminals from using them to carry out attacks.

3. Protection tools

Another very important aspect is to use tools, both software and hardware, specially designed for protection, such as antivirus, firewallreal-time security cloud console, physical firewall or anti-malware. Cloudflare is also a good solution to prevent DDoS attacks. 

All security solutions should always be updated to their latest version to ensure protection against the latest types of attacks as they arise.

4. Access policies

One way to minimize potential attacks is to properly assign access permissions. This reduces the chances that a cybercriminal who steals credentials can access important or critical areas of information or systems.

This type of policy should also include the use of strong passwords, virtual private network access, disabling USB data, and the like.

5. Betting on professionals

Maintaining a computer system that handles a lot of information and is accessed by a large number of users is a complex process, especially in relation to maintaining a high level of security.

Betting on professionals in cybersecurity and cloud services is the best option to shield systems and be prepared to avoid and react to the most common cyberattacks, even before they occur.

6. Backup systems

Having regular and automated backup systems allows you to always have an updated copy to be able to rescue it in case of a cyberattack. Some data centers and cloud service providers have this type of backup, and other advanced security options such as disaster recovery or server replication (through virtualization technology, immediately lift a new server if an attack has been suffered).

Being prepared to avoid and act immediately against the most common types of computer attack is a necessity today. Suffering a cyberattack has very serious negative consequences for the company, such as interruption of its activity, loss of sales and customers or the projection of a bad image (loss of reputation of the business).