USA Kibernum

Businesses face two key competing challenges these days: They have to stay competitive while managing costs. Constantly balancing those two initiatives is never easy, and it becomes even more challenging when labor markets are tight and budgets have been reduced.

Thankfully, you can manage these dueling goals by hiring a nearshore outsourcing partner.

Here are three simple steps you can take to find the right nearshore outsourcing staffing company and use the partnership to benefit your technology projects over the long term.

Step 1: Determine if your company needs a nearshore team

Nearshore outsourcing involves partnering with an external team located in a nearby country to help your company boost its software and application development, DevOps support, and application maintenance.

The benefit of using a nearshore staffing company, as opposed to traditional offshore support, is that the geographically close aspect of nearshore outsourcing makes meeting in person much more accessible. This close proximity also makes it more likely that a nearshore outsourcing company is more culturally aligned with your company.

“This alignment allows easier integration with your team and real-time communication, which is vital for agile development processes and rapid problem-solving,” Marko Knezovic, U.S. Country Manager from Kibernum said.

Step 2: Vet and hire a nearshore partner

Once you’ve determined that you need a nearshore outsourcing partner, the next step is to spend time vetting that company to ensure it’s the right fit.

“The right nearshore partner can help you scale quickly, access specialized skills, and improve your competitiveness while maintaining cost efficiency. A mismatched partnership, however, can lead to project delays, cultural misalignments, and communication challenges, ultimately affecting your bottom line,” Knezovic said.

This is why it’s critical to select a nearshore outsourcing partner that has a similar cultural background and time zone to your company. Additionally, you need to assess the technical expertise of a nearshore outsourcing staffing partner.

For example, you should look for:

  • Technical expertise and industry experience: Look for a partner with a proven track record in your specific IT field or industry. “Review their case studies, ask for client references, and conduct technical interviews or tests if necessary,” Knezovic said.
  • Stringent recruitment and staff training processes: You want to find a partner that continuously invests in training and professional development so it can offer high-quality services. “It’s essential to know how they recruit and train their staff,” Knezovic noted.
  • Effective communication and project management tools: You should ensure the nearshore staffing company uses modern project management and communication tools. “This is crucial for tracking progress, collaboration, and ensuring transparency,” Knezovic said.

Step 3: Onboard and manage the ongoing partnership

The last step in hiring the right nearshore outsourcing company is to bring them on board to your current projects and then maintain a close partnership.

One effective way to onboard a company is to have a kick-off meeting. This helps the nearshore outsourcing company align with your project goals, expectations, and communication style. After that, nearshore outsourcing teams will be the most effective by being brought into your internal work process.

“The nearshore team should be integrated into your existing workflows and communication channels, ensuring they become an extension of your in-house team,” Knezovic said.

Once the nearshore team has been onboarded, maintaining the ongoing relationship is essential to starting new projects and maintaining existing ones.

Here’s what a good working relationship with a nearshore outsourcing partner looks like:

  • Seamless communication: You should expect regular updates, easy access to management, and open lines of communication. “A good partner acts as an extension of your team,” Knezovic stressed.
  • Flexibility and scalability: A good nearshore partner will listen to your needs and offer flexibility to scale your team up or down based on project requirements.
  • Quality and innovation: Knezovic said you should expect high-quality outputs that meet your standards, along with “proactive suggestions for improvements or innovations.”


It’s also a good idea to regularly provide feedback and adjust strategies as needed to ensure your nearshore partner aligns with your business objectives.

Get started with a nearshore partner now

Finding the right nearshore outsourcing partner is essential for many companies, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Kibernum has over 30 years of experience working on projects with the world’s largest corporations. If you’re interested in finding out how we can help your company, get in touch with us now.