Planning 2024 CAPEX Budgets to Maximize Innovation

Innovation is essential for any company that wants to grow. Companies that don’t invest time and money to improve their systems, technologies, and processes are at risk of falling behind competitors. One essential way companies stay ahead of rivals is by allocating the appropriate number of resources to maintaining and improving their systems. The best […]
Microcuts May Be Coming To Your Tech Team

There’s a new trend sweeping through technology companies right now — and no, it’s not artificial intelligence. It’s the tendency for companies to make small cuts to their information technology staff without announcing mass layoffs. These staff reductions are called “microcuts,” and the largest technology companies, including Meta, Amazon, and Microsoft, are engaging in it. […]
3 Ways to Maximize the ROI of Outsourcing Software Development

Outsourcing software development can be an excellent way for your company to increase its output and offload time-consuming tasks without adding additional employees. But to make the most of hiring a software development company to help with projects, companies need to determine why they’re looking for help in the first place. Is it to enhance […]
3 Ways to Minimize Risks When Outsourcing Software Development

Outsourcing software development is an excellent way for companies to increase their productivity without incurring the additional expenses and time investments it takes to hire new employees. Recent research from Deloitte shows that 57% of companies who choose to outsource do so to help cut costs, and 31% do so to increase competition. But how […]
Fortifying Innovation Amidst Downsizing: 3 Effective Software Outsourcing Strategies

Companies are facing constant challenges and uncertainties right now. Many technology companies have been forced to downsize this year, with more than 155,000 technology workers laid off so far in 2023, according to Crunchbase News. Downsizing can threaten product innovation and company growth. A study conducted by Harvard Business School on one Fortune 500 tech […]
The Business Case for Outsourcing Software Maintenance

Maximizing productivity and efficiency is an important part of any business. But it’s especially vital in software development and maintenance because running internal software maintenance support can be costly. While some companies prefer to hire and train their employees for their application maintenance needs, many more companies have done the math and found that hiring […]
IT Nearshore Outsourcing & It’s Benefits for US Companies

In this edition, we will review the challenges faced by leaders of software development projects and the changes in the market that have led many companies to look for ways to optimize costs while maintaining high-quality standards. What is nearshore outsourcing? Nearshore outsourcing is the practice of getting work or services done by professionals in […]
Ways to Create Meaning for IT talent

At present and due to the high rotation rate of personnel in the sector of IT development. Generating meaning in the work of our talents will be one of the best ways to retain them and maintain their motivation. Back in 2018, the Harvard Business Review explained how nine out of 10 people were willing […]
Challenges and Solutions in Talent Acquisition

If you are seeking to hire qualified talents, then you already know the pain points associated with the recruitment task at hand. As unfilled job positions and lackluster hires can cost your organization tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars on just one hire, HR and TA teams are facing increased pressure to find suitable talent. To […]
What are the most common cyberattacks and how to prevent them

Cybersecurity has become one of the most important issues for companies given the enormous dependence on their computer systems. Suffering a cyberattack today, not only compromises the information handled by the business, but can interrupt business activity for a long time. The most common types of computer attacks today focus on companies such as ransomware or denial […]